10-09-23 Edition

Safety 3rd

#1 is do dumb shit. #2 is drinky poos. So, safety 3rd. Congratulations to my friends for surviving this fucking trip at all.

Leave It Better

If you can’t seem to unfuck yourself for yourself, do it for another. Hope this helps.

Bring Back the Gold

We’re all alone,
above the gold. 
But we see the story,
that’s been told. 

Trees of lies,
ocean of pain. 
Awareness is gold,
let it stain. 

   Let them argue,
have their war. 
 Your only job:
to fucking soar. 

Leave the canyon,
escape the fold. 
Soar in emptiness,
above the gold. 

You can’t see gold,
from the ground.
Only from the sky,
can it be found. 

Hills are ego,
a tree is thought. 
Crowding for space,
each one has fought. 

Growing branches,
they thrust so bold. 
Rooting in the mind,
they obscure the gold. 

It’s not about gathering,
or what you know. 
It’s detaching from earth,
ascend like the Crow. 

Intelligence traps us,
shiny bits and seeds.
Feel aspirations wind,
escape gravities needs.

  Trees are people 
upon a hill rolled.
They see only themself,
they can’t see the gold. 

Take to the sky friend,
into the empty blue. 
Seek wakeful flight,
that’s all there is to do.

See the unification,
all is bound by gold. 
If resplendence had a temperature,
nothing would be cold. 

Born of the land,
amongst mushroom and mold.
We take to the air,
and purify with gold. 

Bound by thoughts,
and ideas we’ve been sold. 
 Transcend all thinking,
ignite them with the gold. 

Woe unto King Midas,
nothing can he hold. 
What color is your perception?
Unity is gold. 

Alone but never lonely,
so young but also old. 
We eventually descend,
from sky down into gold. 

We find life’s tree,
upon its branch we perch. 
With the memory of flight,
the world is now our church. 

Consciousness is a Crow,
transcend as foretold. 
To bring back the truth:
though unseen- all is gold. 

Behold the Crow of life,
be kind- do not scold. 
 Remember who the fuck you are,
a bird who’s seen the gold. 

    Though clothed in feathers,
the view you must uphold. 
A unified wakefull field,
now walk within the gold.

Keys to the Kingdom

Turn reaction into productive action. YOU are the fucking boss of YOU!

A Melancholy Friend

Day & night,
shadow and light,
sometimes it feels like too much.
In sun we walk,
but shadows stalk,
following like a phantom crutch.

With eyes on the prize,
we don’t see the size,
our shadow will stretch and grow.
We look towards the glare,
pretend it’s not there,
a darkness we don’t want to know.

Reclaim that part,
that’s a start,
delusion keeps your head pointed straight.
It can’t all be fun,
sometimes there’s no sun,
accept it- why fucking wait?

It creeps on the ground,
it makes no sound,
you have nothing which it can steal.
It’s part of you,
embrace what’s true,
only then will you become real.

Stare the shadow in the eyes,
it’s your pain in disguise,
ignoring it will take its toll.
To your feet it is sewn,
it just wants to be known,
without it you’ll never be whole.

A melancholy friend,
it’s yours til’ the end,
make it an ally not a foe.
It’s gonna be alright,
it exists because of light,
acknowledge it and carry on- off you go.

Generational Trauma

This one was hard for me. But it needed doing. This is for all the victims, survivors and for those who are lost.

Winner Winner Chicken Foot Dinner!*

*Not for actual consumption.

I am pleased to announce that the winner of Athilla the Hens foot made it to The Bird, flipping “The Bird” winner, Brian G! I’m also surprised the damn thing made it through Canadian customs. But anywho, congrats Brian. And thanks for the photo! May this totem act as a force field of fucks and that it doesn’t stink up the place too bad. It appears to be a good addition to your curios shelf.

And if anyone out there doesn’t know WTF I’m talking about. . .you can watch it here. But do what you want. I’m not the fucking boss of you.


Alrighty, well. . .have the week you want not the week you’re given. It’s up to you. You’re the one livin’.


Ushi Ink

Ushi Patel is a designer, brand expert, and speaker.

Enriched by nearly three decades of experience, Ushi’s design-led method empowers purpose-driven people to build authentic and powerful personal brands.


