10-23-23 Edition

Healing Hurts

Pop the pain pimple, hunt the mind ghosts.


We are the host,

of our very own ghost,

that light in the window is thee. 

   A phantom contained,

by thought is chained,

consciousness just wants to be. 

   We’re a haunted fucking house,

thoughts are a nagging spouse, 

they won’t shut up they never yield. 

   If this bone house you own,

you must endure every groan,

go hang with the cow in the field. 

   From the outside looking in,

beyond walls made of skin,

most of what a house is- is empty space. 

   Window eyes- our mouth a door,

let the light in let it pour,

you are a sunset obscured by a face. 

   We can run we can fight,

but we’re just made of light,

with a roof made of skull and hair. 

   The sun sets aglow,

there’s nowhere else to go,

enjoy the house for soon it won’t be there. 

   Are you young with fresh paint?

Or dilapidated cuz you ain’t?

There is beauty in things creepy and old. 

   As you age don’t hold tight,

to much restoration looks a’fright,

wear your haunted house proudly- every crack and fold. 

   Every house falls and when it’s done,

you’ll be free once again just sun,

and you’ll shine upon all with no need to judge. 

   Tend to your house and the mind,

be the emptiness- wakeful and kind,

you’ll suffer more as a house trying not to budge. 


Seeking, inquiry and marinating in interdimensional juice.

Nature & Shit~ Forest Debauchery

Horrifically inappropriate nature lessons. You’re fucking welcome.

The Light Behind

Do you sense it behind?

It’s that thing in your mind,

it makes a shadow that doesn’t quite fit.

Perhaps you don’t know,

it’s more like a glow,

but it’s making you feel

like shit.

Do you get my gist?

It’s that fucking mental list,

stressors and worries hidden behind.

They will color your day,

in every single way,

it’s what rises along with the mind.

There’s a bridge you see,

do we fight or flee?

We were built to identify danger to survive.

The bridge of fight or flight,

obscures the minds light,

if we stay on it we will not fucking thrive.

The way to see and start:

recognition that nature is smart,

gain a vantage point in which we can view.

Observe light, water and bridge,

don’t leave out a single smidge,

all these elements go into making you.

A bridge is built to go,

avoid the traffic of stress and woe,

just cross the waters of danger and of life.

No matter your stress bridges size,

your consciousness will always rise,

don’t let it’s shadow cut you off like a knife.

Just deal with what you can,

maybe you walked maybe you ran,

do your best to turn wrongs into right.

You are mostly the sky and sea,

don’t let the stress bridge become thee,

illuminate life as a sun of conscious light.


Reality is a collaboration of emptiness and form. Yourself included.

Alrighty, well… have the week you want not the week you’re given. It’s up to you. You’re the one livin’.



