Go the Fuck Outside
Maybe you just need a change of scenery.
If you’re having a hard time find the mindhole and stick the finger of awareness in that fucker.
Cum to the Sonoran desert with me & your Mo… I mean with me & Ferniculous.
Ok it’s actually Junkadolia…
Come take a walkey poo in the high desert with me.
Life can be overwhelming, here’s why and what we can do about it.
Let’s go fuck off in the woods.
Oops, you might accidentally learn some shit.
Horrifically inappropriate nature lessons. You’re fucking welcome.
My finger smells like mushrooms now, but I’m not mad about it.
It stands for “Fucking Fun.” Go have some, whydontcha.
Duh, it’s a tree, don’t be an asshole.
Don’t fucking eat that, dumbass.

Let’s get all Zen & shit.