Algorithms are Fuckers Anyway. 
Shoulda’ Divorced Their Ass Long Ago . . .

If you’re tired of the algorithm determining whether or not you see my shit. And whether I see you, seeing my shit. Wait, why are you looking at my shit and how did you get into my bathroom?? WTF!? 

Oh yeah…
Weekly WTF. Sorry. Anyway, here's the solution!

Plug in your email and every Monday, I’ll send you the Weekly WTF with links to every damn thing I’ve done and whatever I have to say about it and whatever extra shit I decide to put in it.

No, I’ll never share your email with anyone. And also, HELLO! IT’S FUCKING FREE. I know, it’s hard to believe anything is free. But this is my way of saying, “Fuck You!” to algorithms and other people’s greedy ass rules. So, if you’re down, come join the freakshow. Or don’t. I’m not the fucking boss of you.

Still not sure you want a free email filled with shit?
(No, not actual shit don’t be gross.)

Here are a couple issues of Weekly WTF’s to peruse
so you can decide for yourself if it’s shit. Or if it’s something that might be beneficial to you. Or will make you laugh. Or feel something. Or give you an existential crisis (but in a good way!) and you’d actually like to have it splat into your inbox every Monday.

How did this get so gross anyway? Are you reading this on the toilet!?

(I wrote it on the toilet😉)

A bit of levity is good for you!
