09-25-23 Edition

Welcome to your first Weekly WTF in the land of one’s & zero’s! We’ve just popped the cherry of the matrix and finally found a way around the fucking algorithm. So, hurray for us! Let’s dive right into my weird ass mind….

Burning Man 2023

A Burn like no other, come see the WAP (Wet Ass Playa) from behind my eyes.

Free Shit 12: the Lost Episode

Me schnokered, dumbass friends, pointy shit, head lids, raccoon balm, sugar puffs, and a bad ass washboard.

Skin Hat

Soooo, a while back I did a thing I tend to do and I drunk bought a hat online that I thought looked cool af at the time (I’m convinced my iPhone ads are aware of my blood alcohol content) but anyway, when it finally showed up in the mail my first thought was: where the fuck did this fucking thing come from? It took a minute but from the La Brea tar pit of my shit ass memory surfaced the recollection that yes indeed I did buy this pre aged old west looking fucking hat. Wifey poo almost shit herself with laughter about it and I began to doubt the wisdom of inebriated Shawn. But redemption came in the form of my daughter Maisie who last night came home from school and upon seeing me wearing the hat and her Mother red cheeked and wet eyed for no obvious reason immediately took a pic of me wearing the hat to put on her Snapchat. Wifey poo, to her credit, said to our daughter; “Do you like Dad’s new hat? It’s made out of human skin.” Well that may be funny in itself but unexpectedly Maisie 100 fucking percent believed her Mother that her Dad did indeed buy a fucking hat made of human skin. The reason I know this as fact is that she immediately took another pic to Snapchat her Dads “human skin hat”. She was shocked, have no doubt, but I played it off like “What!? A human skin hat is good luck if you know how to use it properly, magic can be used for good or evil.” Personally I was prepared to perpetuate this farce until either she figured it the fuck out or her last year of college, whichever came first. I’m sad to say that wifey poo spilled the beans and told her it was in fact not made of human skin and was in fact a dumb drunk buy her dumb Dad did. Maisie, upon realizing that her observation was not conforming to her previous perception, immediately removed the human skin hat pic from Snapchat thus dissolving it from teenage reality and eradicated a potentially hilarious secret joke that we could have enjoyed for years to come. But alas above all else, I stand for truth, so I can’t be mad about it. When we questioned our dear senior in high school, how she could possibly believe her Dad was wearing a fucking human skin hat she replied “of course I thought it was real, you guys are sooo weird” I guess the moral of the story is that if your kid thinks you’re some kinda weird ass human skin hat wearing fucking wizard then your job as a parent and the toil and worry and heartache and mentoring and shaping and teaching, has not been in vain. Stay weird friends. If not for yourself, do it for the shildren.

P.S. I was previously unsure if I liked this hat but for the simple fact my Daughter thought it was some hideous fucking artifact, I’ve decided I love the damn thing. I don’t know where the hell I’d ever wear it but, fuck it. Redemption often comes wrapped in strange packages, sometimes they are packages wrapped in faux human skin, just sayin’. Toodaloo.

Don’t Fucking Blow

We all have a stress tank and if we let the pressure build too long it’ll fucking blow in the form of a panic attack. I hope this helps🖤

The Dark Beach
of Lies

From the glowing depths it will rise,
and what a fucking surprise,
when the Kraken can be finally seen so clear.
If we just splash it knows,
it can eat off our toes,
the unknown yields our greatest fear.

Will you swim way down to it?
Or stay on the shore having a fit?
You either plunge into the depths or it comes to you.
Yourself you must save,
hold your breath and find its cave,
it’s the only way to know what is true.

Seek the sea monster inside,
it loves to fucking hide,
it’s body made of that which you haven’t dealt.
If you go to it first,
you can control it’s wicked thirst,
start taming it with the first thing that’s felt.

But if you try to hide in a boat,
you’ll capsize and must float,
in an orange sheen upon the suffering sea.
It’s tentacles encompass your mind,
so numerous, urgent, unkind,
you’ll forget who the fuck you’re supposed to be.

Fret not just do your dives,
save yourself to save other lives,
it takes great strength to have kept the Kraken at bay so long.
Take the knife of honesty from its sheath,
swim into your mind with it in your teeth,
face your trauma and start to feel- you can’t do it wrong.

Go eat your Kraken when it’s fresher,
but to do so you must face the pressure,
be the fucking hunter or it will pursue.
The Kraken can only sleep so much,
by avoiding, ignoring, denying and such,
the battle must be fought in the depths of the black and the blue.

Thrust your sharpened spear of awareness,
it’s all you have in all fairness,
you do know both Kraken and sea are just made of you?
When you see a tentacle- even just one,
slice it immediately- make it fun,
be determined to conquer thyself, that’s what you must do.

I know it’s hard we don’t want to swim,
we stay out of the water and stand on the rim,
but you deserve to be happy and lies aren’t the way.
But I promise it gets better by getting wet,
have no fucking doubt it’s doable- don’t fret,
swim with relentless determination, you have to decide to stay.

It’s lonely upon the dark beach of lies,
a dry place where no one ever cries,
it’s where we stand when we’ve forgotten how to feel.
The ocean of emotion is patiently waiting,
for us to stop blaming- for us to stop hating,
become a fisherman of thought, only then will you know what is real.

Fucking Mushroom Hunting~ OG

In celebration of my website going live on Sept. 22nd heres a blast from the past, my 2nd video ever, enfuckingjoy!

Oh, Autumn

Sept. 22nd- a trifecta day for me, the Autumn Equinox, my birthday & I launched my website. I hope it does some good in the world, I hope it helps. I had to work on my actual birthday and so after my shift I went to the San Francisco ferry building and got some ice cream called “Secret Breakfast”. It’s Vanilla, corn flakes and bourbon, so, there’s that😆 Enjoy my jaunt through the woods.

Crossing the Half Century Mark

Tis’ the autumn equinox & my birthday, throughout desert, woodland and sea. Countless experiences and memories, amalgamated in this old fuck you now see… Ok well, not that fucking old. I’m 51 years old today but I feel about 25 behind my eyes. I have the sense of humor of a 14 year old and the lower back of a motherfucker of around 70. I do love Autumn though, be it by birthright, preference or providence. Happy Autumn Equinox by the way. This time of year feels like both a leaving and a coming, and sure, both kinds of “coming” I suppose, that sag we feel after a frenetic build up. Ahhh, Autumn, the season of release. A long rest well deserved. Some idyllic scene comes to mind of a roaring fire and a fuzzy robe, sipping a steaming mug that may or may not have a wee dram of Jame-O in it. Shame I have neither hearth nor fluffy garb but fuck it, I reckon I can come up with the rest. Plus I’ve got this nifty Vietnamese fishermans disco hat, what more could a boy possibly want? I’ve also got this weird thing about me in which I somehow seem to feel Autumns approach in my bones. No I don’t mean arthritis don’t be a dumbass, I mean something else that I can’t fully describe. It’s like an ethereal pressure wave that comes and I feel it pass through the empty spaces between my molecules like a phantoms passing. It’s like an ache that doesn’t hurt, a flavor that doesn’t taste and yet lingers in the minds mouth and taints the breath of thought with an untethered scent of nostalgia about nothing. I can’t say I came upon this yearly sensation purely by my own sense organs or perceptual notions, I believe it was artificially inspired, by a natural sort of means. After I got out of the Coast Guard, 23 year old me said fuck it to the world and I sold all my shit and moved into an old decrepit yurt with no power or plumbing on an overgrown Gravenstein apple orchard near the Sebastopol Laguna in N. Ca. for a couple years. It was a delight, I pooped in a hole every day, I spent an entire winter building a massive earthen sweat lodge, I stared into the endless nights searching for a star upon which to hang my desperate seeking nature. It was a place with narrow pathways through the Himalayan blackberry bushes, populated by all manner of interesting characters. Crazy Tom who had half a stomach and lived in a broke down school bus and constantly said “what else can I say?” Ralph the heavy eyed contractor who painted his toenails and lived in the water tower, Nick who lived under a tarp next to his VW bus and wore only shorts no matter the cold, George who stood on his roof at night with binoculars cussing and gesticulating wildly at aliens, Kato and his pet rat nestled in an attic, and the other Ralph in the chicken barn who had a cat that seemed to subsist entirely upon his discarded jalapeño stems and bits of offered garlic. It was the other Ralph that probably ignited this ability in me to feel this one particular season, or so I like to think. When Ralph returned from Vietnam his brothers immediately dosed him with LSD so as to keep him askew from the predictable spiral which Vets of that era endured in the form of shitty public sentiment coupled with memories of the horror of war. I suppose it did him some good, he’s likely the smartest mother fucker I know, not on account of the dosing, but a powerful intellect steered towards the unusual can be a wonderful thing to behold. Anyway, it was the Autumn Equinox and my birthday, September 22nd 1995 (or 96 it’s fuzzy) and Ralph bestowed upon me a little gift in the form of a pill. I believe he said it was made by a Japanese chemist friend of his and contained some plant medicine from Africa that hunters would take before the hunt to become invisible to the animals. I mean, haven’t we all wanted to become invisible at some point? When I was really young I would wish to be invisible so fucking hard that I’d turn red and the damn veins in my forehead would pop out and I would fall down, to my 2nd grade teachers great dismay. Anywho, I don’t need to justify the actions of a 23 year old motherfucker living free and in nature and with a standard amount of youthful folly, aka dumbasery, so of course I swallowed the damn thing, to do otherwise would have been quite rude😉Now if you’re hoping to hear a tale of a thousand deaths and a thousand births and a white octopus inhabiting my lymphatic system that I burned out with a beam of light and crazy eyed wanderings through a forest of exponentially growing screaming trees with ripped clothes, the front of my shirt covered in blood from a purposely pulled tooth, well, I’m sorry to say that is not this tale. Perhaps I’ll tell that one another time😉. No, I simply walked around and it seemed that the line of demarcation between my skin and the prevalent current of nature, that being the Autumnal surge of course, grew somehow porous and man, I fucking felt it. It’s like when you smell mold and are transported in your mind to the Pirates of the Caribbean ride at Disney land. It’s like that but not. It’s like an aching nostalgia, it’s like the memory of a lost love re-ignited and undulating in the body, the wave of which doesn’t quite reach the mind. Anyway, yeah I know it’s weird but there you have it. Today I’m feeling it like a tickling undertow to the point that my soles are tingling, and it feels good. Today I crossed the half century mark and you know what? That feels good too. I never expected to live very long. In my 20’s I used to say that I’ve just incarnated for a couple decades to smoke a bunch of cigarettes then I’m out but life hasn’t let go of me yet and I’m glad. Quitting the ciggies maybe helped with that. So here we are at an alignment of sorts, the 1st day of Autumn, the day I was born and the day I did this fucking thing. This website that’s the fucking thing, I know it’s not a huge thing but I’m happy to start slow, maintain steady but humble beginnings. Can you believe I did this fucking website? Can you also believe there are collectively over a million folks following this shit I do? Wtf, life keeps getting weirder but I’m all about it. This thing I did, this website- is my birthday gift to you, just like a fucking hobbit. At least I think hobbitses do that, I’ll ponder it over 2nd dinner. All the photos on it are mine. If you haven’t seen them yet there are 2 videos on it about me (@Kristi INSERT WHO THE FUCK AM I) and one about this Rusty Eyeball thing (@kristi INSERT WTF IS RUSTY EYEBALL) and what it means and those are things that I’ve never really talked about before, at least not like that. It feels strange and vulnerable but also freeing pouring a bit of yourself out for all to see. I intend to keep unfolding this little website of mine, create hollows for folks to contribute and benefit from, like sort of an experiential mental health think tank. Transcripts of the shit folks like, writings, recordings and yes, I’m working on the damn book people keep bugging me about. (Thanks for bugging me about it by the way😊) What I’m most proud of though is that this whole thing is free to peruse and be a part of. I’ve never said yes to any of the many lucrative ad offers I’ve received from social media and I didn’t take the normal route of making a site just trying to make money off peoples suffering. I feel damn proud of that. I mean don’t get me wrong, I’ve got no beef with money, a mother fucker has to eat, I’m going on 28 years in the maritime industry, still dispatching for 12 hour shifts 48 hours a week and often feel like I’m missing out on half of my life with my family because I live 80 miles from the ocean and am away from home 4 days at a time then home for 4. But at least I don’t have loads of pressure to make this about money. But, that being said, if you just aaaabsolutely have to spend some damn money then fine, I have some swag, knock yourself out, it’s all on the website😉 The thing, for me, about making swag is that it’s fucking fun. If I’m not shitting some kind of art or media project out every single day then I get creatively constipated so a swag store is my backup creative laxative. I am 51 you know, you start thinking about laxatives and shit😉 Alrighty well this is already one thousand fucking times longer than I intended. I truly hope you like it here. I’m starting slow but watch me go, WATCH ME FUCKING GO! ⚡️👁️⚡️Toodaloo!P.S. I was previously unsure if I liked this hat but for the simple fact my Daughter thought it was some hideous fucking artifact, I’ve decided I love the damn thing. I don’t know where the hell I’d ever wear it but, fuck it. Redemption often comes wrapped in strange packages, sometimes they are packages wrapped in faux human skin, just sayin’. Toodaloo.

Alignment is Not the Assignment

Alignment is not the assignment,
just strike when the iron is hot. 
Use the hammer of refinement,
life’s a product of what you’ve wrought. 

   Let’s keep it simple- it’s a pimple,
be watchful- is it ready to pop?
Squeeze too early- end up with a dimple,
squeeze from the bottom out towards the top. 

You don’t have to run- have some fun!
Are you aware of this moment right now?
Time is the movement of the sun,
escape your fucking head- that’s how. 

The sunshine’s vector within this line,
is dependent upon where you stand. 
We can’t always pick- but that’s just fine,
an attitude of gratitude is a fucking command. 

Our mission is not position,
we can’t always anticipate. 
Just observe the current fruition,
the fruits of our choices we call fate. 

The minds history is a mystery,
we try too hard to understand. 
Don’t stare at the sun you’ll get all blistery,
our thoughts obscure- they fucking demand!

Look around and hear the sound,
realities woven within the mind.
Your awareness is the ground,
within which the seeds of thought you’ll find. 

Simple lucidity will burn through morbidity,
take a breath- feel where you are. 
We’re all particles clumped into solidity,
each one forged in a dying star. 

It is taught that we are thought,
but thoughts are just the rays. 
We have to give up the lies we’ve bought,
but upon the truth we cannot gaze. 

Because a star is what we are,
and we cannot see ourself. 
The truths so close- but we think it far,
we pull down a paradigm from our shelf. 

Relax it’s fine your jobs just to shine,
the sun doesn’t hold back it’s light. 
Taste your life it’s time to dine,
thoughts are clouds- ignorance is night. 

   Just breathe some air but don’t fucking stare,
directly at the sun.
There’s nothing to do the alignment is you!
Figure it the fuck out- that’s it , I’m done. 

Chicken Foot Winner

And now, winner, winner chicken foot dinner! I’m happy to announce that the randomly chosen winner of the “Bird flipping the bird” is Brian G! Congrats Brian. May it radiate Atilla the Hen’s fierceness before you into the world to smooth out the bumps of life and chase dumbasses away. If some of you have no idea WTF I’m talking about, it’s the contest in this video:

Alrighty, well. . .have the week you want not the week you’re given. It’s up to you. You’re the one livin’.

