Poetry and Shit
The storm of tragedy & suffering is one thing but it’s the lightning bolt of disappointment that will really fuck you up.
Happy Thanksgiving!
It's hard to be deep in such a shallow ass world.
Think about death? Afraid to fly?
Here’s a little morning pep talk of sorts…
We’re all just looking for a little magic, Are we not?
Do you need a fucking break? I need a fucking break….
It’s all about… NOW. And now. And now. And now…..
Happy Valentines day, or Anniversary or Birthday or whatever you need it to be.
Come take a hike through my wrinkly pink meat. Quit being gross you know what I mean.
My rendition of the iconic Christmas poem from 1823
Here’s all the shit I’m not thankful for.
Let’s talk about it. You know, that thing no one talks about…Death.
Just my inner dialog whilst doing yardwork. And shit.

You’ll figure it out.