Pop Goes the Wee Soul

Consciousness. It’s called the hard problem of science. And yet this mysterious fucking thing is fundamental to our experience of reality. If we turn our inherent awareness inward, if we fold our lucidity back on itself, our experience of mundane existence can become fucking extraordinary.

I symbolize this fundamental, ineffable but intimate wakefulness behind our thoughts with an eyeball. Not because sight is a singular metric of experience. But because I fucking like eyeballs.

Rust. It’s what happens to metal when exposed to the normal elements of air and water.

So Rusty Eyeball symbolizes our original state and the patina of thought and rust of experience that obscures the substratum of who we are.

A human is a fucking cosmic miracle, a stardust meat Golem made of the universe itself so that the cosmos can experience an iteration of itself that you call “me”. Consider that consciousness is not sequestered within your skull. Reality is awake for fucks sake!

Given we’re irregularly roundish shaped pegs and society only seems to produce square holes, there really is no ‘one size fits all’ set of instructions or techniques applicable to everyone in our attempts to understand ourselves and live an authentic life on our own terms.

My hope is you’ll find something here that makes some damn sense or will remind you of something you may have forgotten or will break a paradigm within your mind that obscures who you are. . .who you’ve always been.

I hope this site helps you to figure it the fuck out and maybe lighten the fuck up with some levity and ridiculousness and lead you to a more authentic existence as you drive your cosmic meat tractor through your perceived reality.

“This website contains the experiential ejaculations of one motherfuckers life (Me, Shawn, duh).”