10-02-23 Edition

Alrighty, let’s do this shit. Here are my digital mashed potatoes. You know WTF to do!


Life’s a Beach

Stretch your mind towards the horizon,
everything around you is trying to teach.
Where the water meets the continent,
we call that a fucking beach.

We too are a temporal shore,
an experiential demarcation I mean.
The mystic waters of emotion,
lapping at meat and bone unseen.

Some are comfortable with feeling,
they’ll always take the plunge.
Others stand on the beach longingly,
wishing they could expunge.

A million grains of experience,
the sands of who we are.
The great depth of our emotions,
endlessly deep and far.

But look further to the mountains,
the border of thought- the edge.
Can you step off into the emptiness?
Can you leave your mental ledge?

Above the mountains are clouds of thought,
see how they come and go?
Our consciousness is the vast sky,
a wakeful emptiness with nothing to show.

Use your mind to zoom out,
until the earth is a tiny blue ball.
Observe the infinite emptiness,
there’s no gravity you won’t fucking fall.

In order for any matter to exist,
there must be tremendous space.
The entire cosmos is experiencing itself,
hiding behind your face.

Keep going until you see the Milky Way,
we’re on the edge- that tiny dot.
What a fucking miracle existence is,
you can envision all this with a thought.

We get all caught up cause life’s a beach,
we don’t even know who we are.
We are congealed stardust awoken,
forged in a dying star.

Sit on the beach but dip your feet,
it’s about balance for fucks sake.
Open your eyes you’re a cosmic disguise,
reality is just you awake.

You’re Not Alone

Modern life is f*cking hard. But you’re not alone. Let’s figure it the f*ck out.🖤

The Matrix

  Sometimes it’s too much,
we pine for a switch. 
Is it reality that’s fucked?
Or are we about to glitch?

We’re wired for survival,
to not get eaten and shit. 
It has nothing to aim at,
but we still aim every bit. 

Some shit happens at home,
or stress from our job. 
Every person with a stink eye,
we think they will rob. 

We freak out on the roads,
an adrenaline ride. 
We forget that we evolved,
to be fucking outside. 

You’re instincts are triggered,
and thoughts join you bet. 
So go the fuck outside,
go hard try to sweat. 

But if you’re stuck in a box,
unable to flee. 
Remember you’re not dying,
in your mind you are free. 

We can’t control circumstance,
we can’t always rest. 
All we need to do,
is just do our damn best. 

Some are hunters some gather,
find the strengths within you. 
Be aware of your weaknesses,
an rock the rest just do you. 

Your brain is the hardware,
thoughts are apps in the mind.
 We must write our own code,
leave the past way behind. 

Our mind gets overwhelmed,
life’s demands getting loud. 
All the data overwhelms,
but you’re actually in the cloud. 

Just do your damn best,
that’s all that can be done. 
You’ll get through the hard times,
you will again have some fun. 

Do a little data dump,
you let out stress when you cry. 
Fold your mind back upon awareness,
receive the cosmic Wi-Fi. 

All signals are one’s & zero’s,
until they get into you.
 What program are you running?
Do you know what is true?

You’re not your fucking thoughts,
I can tell you that much. 
You’ll have to let go of the lies,
you use as a crutch. 

“It’s too hard I’m not enough”,
that’s not your real code. 
Look past your programming,
don’t gargle that chode. 

See you can still smile,
steer your thoughts straight & true. 
Observe the matrix from awareness,
and perform action- follow through. 

Forgive yourself if you suck,
at this thing or that. 
We can’t be great at everything,
that’s not where it’s at. 

One thing that you’re good at,
and may not even know. 
You’re mind is a cosmic portal,
to a wakeful internet all a’glow. 

This matrix is everywhere,
all over the fucking place. 
You are an avatar made of meat,
designed as an interface. 

We are still wired like the ancients,
but are now running tech.
Compared to our evolution,
modern times are a speck. 

 So remember who you are,
you are a half full cup. 
Stardust in a lucid matrix,
so maybe wake the fuck up. 


Do you have a pile of mental gunpowder in your mind? Let’s figure it the fuck out.💥


Shhh it’s alright,
we must all face the night,
enter the aquatic kingdom of dreams. 

   A world made of mind,
there’s no telling what we’ll find,
reality is not as it seems. 

 Every nightmare is the same,
in that there’s no one we can blame,
something is being worked out in thought. 
Swim within the mind in sleep,
there’s nothing there to keep,
the only opponent is yourself that you’ve fought. 

   Within a dream you can awake,
then you can have and eat your cake,
practice lucidity in sleep- then in the world. 

   But is “real life” our base state?
Or for death do we have to wait?
Reality is a surface reflection- colors swirled. 

   When awake we’re upon the shore,
under the waters of sleep there’s more,
where our subconscious builds a wet world of mind. 

   Both are reality: version 1 & 2,
become lucid and you’ll experience what’s true,
but it’s not for me to say- it’s for you to find. 

   The Ego is not a fucking villain,
it’s a construct in our mind just chillin’,
it’s job is to prove that sense objects aren’t actually you. 

   At night we die a death that’s small,
but if identification with the ego does fall:
you’re the one dreamer dreaming, you’re both the broth and the stew. 

   What I’m trying to say for fucks sake,
is that you’ve always been awake,
awareness is just identified with a state. 

   A wakeful field by thought is bound,
you’re lost but also are found,
fold awareness back upon itself- that’s the gate. 

   In the mysterious cognizant Sea,
there is always a sense of “me”,
not the labels- just awareness that you exist. 

   In a dream your body can change,
variations in an endless range,
just cloaks around a sense of “I” that you don’t resist. 

   Everything in a dream,
is just you there is no seam,
it’s the ego that will label and chop. 

   You awaken in your bed,
an entire universe was in your head!
Wakeful lucidity will make the lies all stop. 

   Be aware and alive,
take the deep dive,
dreams can teach you to be fucking awake. 

Whether in water or on shore,
consciousness is your core,
remain wet as you emerge from sleeps lake.

Sasquatching & Shit~ Camp Necessities

Camp necessities. Not those necessities. The other ones. Also, the Fuckin’ Weed Swede and our 1st actual Bigfoot sighting! Sorta.…

Heart of Darkness

   There’s a darkness that lives deep in the heart,
born of not feeling safe. 
A child should not have to protect themself,
from adults who scold and chafe. 

There’s a darkness that hides in the back of the mind,
it’s the absence of conscious light. 
That which is obscured- shoved down or ignored,
will consume a mind in night. 

   The cold inky waters of gathered emotion,
runs deep through and through. 
It’s difficult to know what the fuck is real,
it’s hard to know what to do. 

   But we cannot hold ourselves responsible,
for the choices others make. 
Those who only seek to protect their lies,
are in darkness- you’re light they may take. 

   The only way to dispel the darkness within,
is be a light unto thyself and shine. 
A light only knows how to unconditionally give,
darkness only knows “me” or “mine”.

The polluted dark pond of memories past,
can be purified with awarenesses trickle. 
We must let the pain spill over the bank,
and cut it free with emotions sickle. 

   Whatever you feel- that’s what’s real,
just be willing to look in the dark. 
Paint your mind in fucking honesties light!
Clean it out until pure and stark. 

   There are some wounds that will continue to weep,
the infection of trauma is persistent. 
The virus of memories shoved down deep,
make us sicker not more resistant. 

There’s no easy answer to fix it fast,
we can only be willing to look.
We are just a story we tell unto ourselves,
maybe it’s time for a new fucking book. 

   Whatever the beast from which we run,
it will catch up in the end. 
Perhaps it’s best to give in to its teeth,
to feel it- let it tear and rend. 

   But a fish that’s always swam in dark waters,
doesn’t realize that it’s wet. 
It must jump from the surface and feel the light,
to figure it the fuck out- yeah, you bet. 

   The child in us still huddled in the dark,
must be led into the sun. 
We must teach that the horror is not their fault,
they’re safe they don’t have to run. 

   When you view this lake do you see dark waters?
Or the shimmering orange gleam?
Reality presents based on how we look,
but things aren’t ever as they seem. 

   It’s best to say fuck it and take a dive,
see what’s lurking down deep. 
Bring it up and let it thrash and splash,
then decide what to discard or keep. 

   Be a fisherman of thought, cast the line,
send inquiries hook into the black. 
When you feel a tug- reel it in,
it’s just part of you you’re bringing back. 

   We fragment ourselves and sequester the pain,
ignoring shit takes its toll. 
Life is a marriage of light and shadow,
we must do our very best to become whole. 

We hold our breath and say that we’re fine,
we mistake subterfuge for strength. 
Dying for breath in the dark lake we swim,
trying to not breathe the entire length. 

Some never consider the ripple effect,
of the things they do or don’t do. 
For they have cast the errors of their ways,
into the deep with a cement shoe. 

Do not let others covet your fucking light,
it’s not for them to steal. 
The lake of you is both lies and things true,
take a swim- you’ll start to feel real. 

Perhaps to be strong we must do the hard thing,
let honesty’s light fucking blaze. 
Let the effulgence of setting ourself finally free,
coat our dark lake in a triumphant orange glaze. 

Don’t Mind

No seriously, don’t mind. Let’s talk about suffering mitigation.

Alrighty, well. . .have the week you want not the week you’re given. It’s up to you. You’re the one livin’.


Ushi Ink

Ushi Patel is a designer, brand expert, and speaker.

Enriched by nearly three decades of experience, Ushi’s design-led method empowers purpose-driven people to build authentic and powerful personal brands.
