08-05-24 Edition

Find Your Fear

It’s that elusive little fucker hiding deep within your thoughts

You Know You Know It

So fucking know it! Don’t let yourself become addicted to your own brain chemicals

Wakey Wakey

Don’t get lost in the looking


Paddling on,

best we can

trying not to sink.

An ocean of tears,

blistered fingers,

we row the way we think.

Splish splash,

our paddles crash,

“Hey, watch your fucking oar!”

In the same boat,

upon the same sea,

and yet we fight some more.

We cling to the surface,

rowing our boat,

lest we become drowned.

To gain perspective,

slip into the Sea,

in the depths we might be found.

Huddled in the hull,

tied to the seat,

an oar in sweaty hand.

We’re afraid of water,

to be merged in the deep,

too terrified to even stand.

We forgot how to row,

split along our keel,

separating starboard and port.

A society adrift,

a tidal shift,

our journey is growing short.

Gritted teeth,

sweaty faces down,

blindly rowing on through.

Take a fucking breath,

look to your side,

that other rower is you.

Barnacles and moss,

like judgments and fear,

will slow us to a stop.

Egoic bubbles,

rise from the depths,

emulate them- and pop.

No need to shove,

the star above,

will always show the way.

We’re all just waves,

upon the same sea,

we navigate night & day.

Oars need a rhythm,

someone must steer,

so many lament and sit.

Dontcha know,

we all need to row,

jettison the bullshit.

Caught in a whirlpool,

taking on water,

unable to get underway.

We’ve sprung a leak,

no one will bail,

hold your breath- is all I can say.

Gear adrift,

sinks ships,

tidy your fucking head.

The sea swallows,

all that won’t float,

whether we’re alive or dead.

It’s all our turn,

to row the apex boat,

it’s up to us- there is no tug.

But even if we sink it,

consciousness shall emerge,

next up: maybe the fish or a bug.

A legacy of plastic,

oily fossilized bones,

the fish kingdom will be perplexed.

“Land dwellers were dumb,

that’s not where we’re from,

don’t be like humans- or we’ll be next.”

Alrighty, well… have the week you want not the week you’re given. It’s up to you. You’re the one livin’.



