06-29-24 Edition

Emotional Bankrupcy

Understanding your partner will help you to understand yourself. Hope this is helpful

Panic Attacks~ Meat Battery

You’ve gotta discharge that shit.


Some things are so fundamental and close that we don’t even notice

Big Dog

“Whatever you want big dog, whatever the fuck you want.” Ain’t that the way though? We feed the hungry mouth of desire. Desire, it procreates our species, it makes our children, it makes projects and inventions, ideas and motherfucking revolutions. It shapes the world we know. Through the vehicle of desire- consciousness emerges in a myriad of ways but at the same it binds, you know exactly what the fuck I’m talking about. Desire becomes addiction and addiction becomes either destitution or the rock bottom fuel of growth. What’s the message? The message is no message. There are no rules outside of our own convenient paradigm. You’re ok being you. How does desire show up and effect your ass though? Use it, or be used, feel me? Perhaps it’s simply about awareness coupled with discernment. A collaboration of consciousness, a fucking hard charge into that which grows and an occasional pumping of the breaks should we find ourselves speeding down the hill of need of want and false fullfillment. Guess what? You can’t do it wrong in the same way that the ocean can’t make a wrong wave. A wave is a wave. A you is a you. The ocean expresses its massive stillness as waves and currents that play with each other upon the surface. You, my friend, are the motherfucking depths of a wakeful sea. See it just as it is, no guilt or self deprication, see shit just-as-it-fucking-is. Figure it the fuck If out, that’s the message. That’s the best we can do, to do our best and not let guilt or second guessing tear us in two. Do your best until you see where you can do better and maybe, just maybe, have some fucking fun whilst you’re at it. Thanks for coming to my camping TED talk of shit you didn’t ask for. Toodles.

Cheersies From Lake Siskiyou

Cheersies from Lake Siskiyou. My shadow salutes you with a drinky poo… or does it? Perhaps that is wifey-poos leg and if it indeed was her leg- it would beg the question: “WTF is she doing upside down!?” Alas her flexibility is not up to par for such fellatiatic acrobatics. It looks more like my leg is doing a tiny dancer can-can kick. Perhaps it’s my “3rd leg” stretched out at impossible and ridiculous attention, if only that appendage could expand its repertoire beyond fluid transfer and tension release to, also, holding my beer. In 4 days from now I will have been in one woodland forest or another for a total of 15 out of the last 18 days, shit gets weird after a while in the bush. Anywho, 4 days left to marinate in weirdness and by weirdness I just mean “other than the normal day to day bullshit” 4 more wonderful and weird days in the woods then a couple days at home to wash all the dried blood smeared from skingasmically scratching mosquito bites, do some laundry and fuck off before the next stint of 3:10am wake up calls and 12hr shifts and all of that. I hope you find some weird shit to do or some weird shit to think and again by weird I just mean a break away, however long or short, from the default paradigms fed to us through our phones and societal pressures and moral scaffolding and the whole nasty kaboodle. Society, with all of its current goings ons, is pretty fucking weird itself but it’s a contrived and directed weird. It’s being aimed, all of it, to influence one herd or another. In order to break away from societies weirdness requires a higher degree of individual weirdness lest one finds themselves mercurially clumped into a narrative organized as one’s and zeros and filtered through an algorithm to be blasted as photons into our wrinkly pink meat computers. What I’m saying is: consider breaking away for a fucking minute, consider going rogue and create your own damn brand of weird or you’ll become consumed by the hungry mouth of media. We can learn a lot more about reality by watching waves ripple over rocks than we can from sound bites and memes and bullshit. Listen to the wind and you just may get to hear a quantum fart. I hope you get to smell the odor of awareness. Go do you, toodaloo.

Alrighty, well… have the week you want not the week you’re given. It’s up to you. You’re the one livin’.



