03-25-24 Edition

Transmissions From the Desert~ Day 1 & 2

How do 2 motherfuckers fuck off in the desert? You’re about to find out…

Oh Spring

I’m feeling Springy AF!

Desert Song

Springtime in the desert,

yeah it is a thing.

Change is inevitable,

adaptability is king.

People think cactus useless,

and so they live long.

A sharp background note,

within a desert song.

Cacti have a secret,

moisture you cannot find.

They do not spill their water,

they do not spill their mind.

Dusty world- angry sun,

within they’re always wet.

Silently observing all that is,

not fearing the sun to set.

Protectors of the water,

guarded by humble thorn.

Never coveting wetness,

water is never born.

An oasis unto themselves,

allowing weather and sun.

Content with shallow root,

not compelled to run.

Satisfied with inner wetness,

all control released.

They do not envy the tumbleweed,

they do not crave the feast.

Stoic and barbed exterior,

but within- a gentle smile.

A container for a bit of water,

being a cactus for a while.

Green flesh, shape and form,

allows moisture to exist.

They do not boast of wetness,

of this we must resist.

Attention aimed inward,

cultivating monsoon rain.

Dry without life’s storm,

growth inspired by pain.

The cactus is mostly water,

pretending to be a thing.

Accepting drop or flood,

allowing the storm to bring.

Barbed with sharp discernment,

resisting the need to be.

Content with the eternal moment,

not jealous of leaf or tree.

Thorns aimed towards the world,

tender and smooth beneath.

Your water is your only legacy,

in the end you will bequeath.

This isn’t really about cactus,

hear its message and with luck:

you’ll learn to stay wet within,

it’s so simple- what the fuck?

Simple as in you’re already that,

let your water cycle and flow.

Protect from both truth and lies,

be the star of your own show.

It’s only right here and now,

it is revealed when you sit.

Listen to the cacti whisper:

“learn not to give such a shit.”

Feelin’ Cute

Might flush later….

Transmissions From the Desert~ Day 3 & 4

Aliens & Guns & BooBs, oh my! Shits getting weird out here. High strangeness in the high desert.

Alrighty, well… have the week you want not the week you’re given. It’s up to you. You’re the one livin’.



