Merry Fucking Christmas!

12-25-23 Edition

Twas the Night Before Christmas

My rendition of this iconic poem from 1823

Remember to Forget to Remember

Just in case you need it…..

Too Much

Life can overwhelm. Here’s why & what we can do about it.

Let Go

What’s left is…. You.

Winter Solstice

Surf the Wave

Happy Winter Solstice! Today is both an end and a beginning, do you feel it? I’m beginning to genuinely accept that there is something discernible that moves through reality. A silent pressure of sorts that moves the clockworks of the cosmos. It’s not visible as light or a wave or motion of any kind, but it does indeed fucking move.

I’m not getting all woowoo on you but our ability to perceive reality is seriously governed down, we really don’t know exactly what the fuck is going on. For example our eyes can only see .0035% of the visual spectrum, think about that. Over 99% of what reality is, is fucking invisible to us!

Quantum experiments show that our observation influences the results. Random number generators seem to spike when there is a cohesion in consciousness such as when 9-11 happened and allegedly ice crystals form based on the thoughts aimed at them. It’s difficult to discern what’s real VS what’s bullshit or wishful thinking anymore. You can find arguments for every side on the interwebs so I find it best to have a healthy amount of skepticism but to keep an open mind and observe for yourself if a principle is true and if it’s not completely clear perhaps it’s best to know that we just don’t know.

I have had an extraordinary opportunity here to gather a shit ton of data points to try to understand more of what’s going on because of this social media thing I’m doing. What I mean is that when I feel some kind of way, I do my best to figure it the fuck out then I make content about it in hopes of helping folks who are going through something similar to also figure it the fuck out because suffering, and the fact that people have to suffer, pisses me the fuck off.

What’s notable to me is that a lot, and I mean a fucking lot of folks seem to resonate with the same thing I’m going through at the same time I’m going through it. Now for the sake of being transparent and thorough- due to the numbers involved some folks are bound to be dealing with some of the same shit at the same time, no doubt that’s part of it. But the synchronicities I notice are so regular and numerous it’s made me start to pay attention. In fact it’s getting downright fucking weird.

There’s a funny line between synchronicity and coincidence. One is born from looking for and recognizing patterns, the other is a result of writing things off and discounting a deeper more interconnected principle. I don’t want to make this too long but lately, for me, shit has been extremely challenging… ok actually it’s been fucked.

Within the last month or so highs have been relatively low and lows have been nearly devastating. It’s fine though, I mean I am hyper aware of my own cycles and understand them to be constantly changing, but fuck, it’s been a bitch of a cycle.

How about you? I’m genuinely curious. This is the first time I’ve ever asked for data points and I’d love to know what the last Month or so has been like for you. Part of it is easily observable and has to do with how much light enters our eyes this time of years VS what types and ratios of hormones result. Holidays are a busy time which occur during the season in which we are meant to slow the fuck down and can also trigger and wear folks out.

But there’s something else, perhaps it’s just the way my mind forms thoughts but I imagine a wave of some sort that moves through us all. An invisible tide that floods and ebbs the estuary of humanity. It cannot be seen but it can, and is, deeply felt as it interacts with our biological, psychological, emotional and electrical systems.

Perhaps some people are more permeable and thus more susceptible to it than others. Maybe some folks are remaining in the shallows of their life and this tide only tickles their ankles. Others are balls deep in the trough, in the honesty it takes to Un-fuck yourself and look deep within.

At any rate it’s fucking fascinating to me and implies a connectivity that we are not normally aware of, what with our oh so holy opinions and the vehement defense of said opinions all we do is try to separate as opposed to unite.

Alrighty, well… have the week you want not the week you’re given. It’s up to you. You’re the one livin’.



