11-20-23 Edition

Fish In The Sea

There’s something fishy about reality. Let’s do a deep dive.

Be Still

What to do,

when gravity gives up?

We feel like shit,

a half empty cup.

No motivation,

life takes its toll.

Everything about us,

thinks it should roll.

When we do not,

life seems to stop.

Then we may measure,

and look from the top.

Go into nature,

it is a church.

There’s nothing to do,

just find a high perch.

We avoid lows,

and desire the high.

It’s fucking terrifying,

so close to the sky.

The low is the high,

and the high is the low.

It’s not about altitude,

it’s not to or fro.

Wherever you are,

just be right there.

Accept your location,

give up all your care.

Just fucking rest,

atop a boulder.

Nature’s a therapist,

lean into her shoulder.

Winter becomes Summer,

then Winter again.

Accept where you are,

right now is when.

Don’t make a bad choice,

forever’s not a thing.

The bounty of Summer,

only Winter can bring.

Moods are a season,

don’t grasp a cloud.

Don’t suppress your pain,

the thunders too loud.

If you feel like shit,

because you can’t roll.

Just wait it out,

for soon you will LOL.

Gravities always pulling,

it’s you that is stuck.

Once you surrender,

you’ll say what the fuck!?

Creativity returns,

motivation too.

Roll down the mountain,

it’s all just been you.

Anchored by the past,

you won’t even budge.

Afraid of the future,

you can’t move if you judge.

Be in this moment,

accept it all.

Next thing you know,

you’ll roll and you’ll fall.

Don’t think of the bottom,

Don’t remember the top.

Let yourself roll,

if you cling you will stop.

Just do your best,

every single day.

It’s ok to sit or roll,

to stand or to lay.

Learn to be still,

don’t get all frenetic.

A pendulum is still,

before it’s kinetic.

Wait out the weather,

you’ll see the sun.

Pay your debt of stillness,

then go have some fun!

Un-fucking Protocols

If you’re in the sh*t & going through it. Or if you’re fine & want to stay that way. I hope this helps

A Reality Sandwch

Take a bite.

You’re All Wet

It’s not really about water. It’s about you!


You’ll love to hate her

Alrighty, well… have the week you want not the week you’re given. It’s up to you. You’re the one livin’.



