07-08-24 Edition

3 Things

Tired of riding that fucked up roller coaster of mind & mood?

Brain Kool-Aid

Wanna take some of the steam out of your suffering?

4th Of July

I guess the day is about freedom but, are you?

Leave It Be

It’s not necessarily the feeling like sh*t problem that’s the problem.

Drain Your Brain

Stuck in your head? Suck at meditation? Try this

Into The Bush

Hi-ho, hi-ho… I’m not calling you a hoe or saying hello, it’s off into the damn woods we go! Early tomorrow (Monday) we venture forth deep into the bush, super deep, super bushy, I’m talking like 1970’s bushy. We will return in 7 days smelling like skunk shit, with a few less brain cells, tired and bedraggled but with a feral and gleeful glint in our glazed bloodshot eyes.

As per usual this trip is our annual “Sasquatching” trip, AKA: (drink a buncha whiskey in the woods with your crazy ass friends). I think we all have our own take on the subject. Is there indeed a big ass hairy motherfucker that lives in the wild and forgotten places of the world? Some sort of musty hominid so clever that it has eluded capture? Fuck if I know. I have absolutely zero opinion of whether it exists or not. I like the idea that it does but liking leads to belief and belief is a decision to regard a thing as true without actually knowing that it is. I can’t get down with belief as it can act as a perceptual blinder of sorts. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not dissing belief or believers, I’m just not capable of it any longer. I’ve only ever realized one thing as true and it comes at the cost of giving up everything else that in comparison- is not. I can, however, get down with being comfortable not knowing. In knowing we don’t know we create a space within which whatever is subjectively true may wash in and wash back out much like the ocean tide that enters a rocky beach cave and then withdrawals taking with it the detritus of hope and idle speculation.

But gottdamn, I sure do love a mystery though. For some of us this trip is absolutely about obtaining evidence of what may be an ancestor of Gigantopithecus. There is so much lore amongst native cultures that is hard to ignore. Some folks believe they have something to do with aliens, others regard them as multidimensional beings and of course many think it’s motherfuckers running around in the woods in Ape costumes, which is a really good way to get your ass inadvertently ventilated, just sayin’.

Honestly this could be a damn bird watching or squirrel counting trip I’d still go, I don’t actually need an excuse to marinate in the woods for a week. For some of us it’s about the chase or the necessary broadening of our paradigm to allow for the possibility of high strangeness being an actual thing. An escape from the mundane achieved by chasing the extraordinary. You either like the feeling of your mind being stretched or you don’t. I reckon, we who embark upon this shit yearly, do. I myself am of the twisted variety who chases the feeling of my mind breaking simply for the sake of looking through the inevitable remaining cracks.

For a while now I have been toying with the idea that there may be a unified theory of all things paranormal. For a while I was calling it “The Glob” just to have something to refer to but recently I realized that to try to name an ineffable theory is to encapsulate it within a narrative and the next thing you know you are anthropomorphizing a thing that’s not actually a thing but may instead be an underlying and fundamental aspect of reality and the universe, albeit a mostly unknown or misunderstood one… so far.

My working hypothesis is that perceived events of “high strangeness” are all tied together, in a way, via one of the “hard problems” of science. A fundamental thing that we all experience but science does not yet really understand: Consciousness. Some of the evidence that I have experienced points to reality being far fucking stranger than our wrinkly pink meat computers can process. My gut tells me that to understand this unified theory may lead to a sudden enlightened realization as to the nature of physical reality itself. So I go forth into the woods knowing I don’t know shit, and comfortable not knowing shit, so as to maintain a void that objective truth may, at some point, flood into and find a home. I do love filling a void

I never specifically go mushroom hunting because if I do that’s all I see. I prefer a kind of open minded forest bathing. You should try it sometime, it’s surprising what you find. Not just shrooms or objects or systems. Not just flora or fauna. With a diffused gaze and an open and neutral mind you often learn shit about yourself reflected back from the mirror of nature, kind of an “as above so below” thing. We are nature by the way, in case you’ve lost touch.

Anywho off we go, us 4 happy campers: Jordy, Ferniculous, Ethan and a new plus 1 this year. A fine fellow who also happens to be my Cousin Preston. My intention is to not have a rigid intention other than to attempt to perceive what is actually going on behind the curtain of the physical world. What is really making those strange and sometimes frightening wiggly lumps that gyrate underneath the blanket of reality. To look under the proverbial bed, to poke the invisible hornets nest because, why the fuck not!? I kinda try to do that all the time anyway but to be in the wild without distraction and with conscious collaborators gives more oomph me thinks. I intend to both receive and broadcast consciousness from and into the field of consciousness. A field that we like to call reality. A soup sandwich of lucidity. An ice cube of cognizance melting into the whiskey of awareness, or some shit like that- you get the idea. Oh and also to pew pew the shit outta some cans and get a bit hammered whilst trying not to get our balls eaten off by a bear or mountain lion, of which there will be many.

Since I’ll have no service for 7 days, next Mondays Weekly WTF is already queued up with some oldies but goodies. See you in 7 days. Unless a Sasquatch rips my arms off or some shit. Toodles.

Alrighty, well… have the week you want not the week you’re given. It’s up to you. You’re the one livin’.



