01-08-24 Edition

Just Another Fucking Day

An ode to New Years Day

The Flow

The river doesn’t push,

the ocean doesn’t pull,

water conforms to the shape of the land.

We push against tired,

we pull towards wired,

we don’t flow- all we do is fucking command.

Let’s not be a fool,

water is meant to pool,

it’s force is born of gathered mass.

Our lying actions are a play,

“Oh I’m fine” we always say,

life’s is water but all we do is blow hot gas.

Water doesn’t fucking drill,

it gathers to await the spill,

pissing against a boulder won’t make it move.

Every lake starts as a puddle,

clear water began as muddle,

accept what is- water has nothing to prove.

When your river is a flow,

don’t worry you’ll fucking know,

ride the wave until it inevitably sinks.

If an obstacle gets in the way,

be patient, gather- just stay,

water always finds a way despite what it thinks.

Don’t define yourself for fucks sake,

not as a river or a lake,

self definitions will cause you to freeze.

Observe your container and conform,

become liquid make it the norm,

then flow through the cycles of life with ease.

Don’t forget about the mud,

shit gets washed away in a flood,

sometimes it’s stirred up with just a trickle.

Whether a mud puddle or lake of blue,

the water is the one thing true,

accept the flow- feels it’s conscious tickle.

The Gift

Now is the present I have to give

Alrighty, well… have the week you want not the week you’re given. It’s up to you. You’re the one livin’.



