I’m Doing a Live Thingy.
You Just Need an Internet Connection. And a Sense of Humor. 
Oh, and Maybe a Cocktail.
Come One. Come All. Or, Don’t.
I’m Not the Fucking Boss of You

Has shit been weird for you lately? Me too. There is a current that is flowing, can you feel it? Do you feel the current taking you? Swirling you round and round like a seasonal toilet flush and you’re feeling like actual shit as we approach some inevitably? 

Wintertime is a vibe and a lot of people feel some kind of way about it. 

Well this is it. The pull of the Winter solstice. Thursday, December 21st. The dark days begin to get longer and lighter at last. We made it. The event horizon is passing and we’ll enter into whatever the fuck is next. 

So, I figured we might as well usher it in together. With drinky poos, naturally, as in days of yore.

Here’s the plan.

Thursday, December 21 at 6:30pm PT 


A chitty-chat via Zoom with me 

and as many of you mofos that want to come 

It’s free. Duh.

You don’t have to feel like shit lately to be part of this. We’re just hanging out. A bunch of old and new friends. Friends that have hitherto been separated by a great gulf of fiber optic cable and Wi-Fi signals and the peculiar whims of algorithms and the stringent rules of social media platforms. 

Fuck all that. This is how we can connect. If I could, I’d make a big-ass solstice bonfire and pass a bottle as we all talk shit and congratulate each other on our fortitude and winning the battle of Winter by maintaining our buoyancy within the sometimes woeful ocean of earthly existence. But there’s only so many motherfuckers that’ll fit around a fire.

So let’s Zoom this shit.

You want to know some shit from me? Well, I want to know some shit from you, too. Ultimately though you don’t need me to tell you what to do. I’m not the boss of you and you can google all that shit right now. 

I want this to be interactive, a weird digital conversation as much as possible.

There’s a lot that we can do to suffer less. There are protocols for helping with Winter woes. We can talk about that if you want. But you know what’s even more valuable than knowing what to do? It’s knowing you’re not alone. Our entire perspective changes when we realize we’re part of a bigger whole. That’s why I’m, or I should say we are doing this thing- connection. 

When we talk with people it pulls our head out of our ass and it pulls us out of our heads. It’s a lifeline out of the quagmire of negative thinking. So, let’s hang out. I don’t have anything I want to try to teach people. Let’s get together and expand our perception and just maybe we can unlearn some shit.

Let’s make a bonfire of one’s and zero’s 
and burn the old as we enter the new. 
Because fuck it. Because we can.

No, I'll never share your email with anyone. I'm not a douche. This is just between you and me. Further transmissions forthcoming.