Wanna Cheat on the Algorithm with Me?

You Naughty Fucker… 

Stick Your Dick In These Mashed Potatoes
(It’s that Kinda Party)

About Rusty Eyeball

Pop Goes the Wee Soul

Consciousness. It’s called the hard problem of science. And yet this mysterious fucking thing is fundamental to our experience of reality. If we turn our inherent awareness inward, if we fold our lucidity back on itself, our experience of mundane existence can become fucking extraordinary.

I symbolize this fundamental, ineffable but intimate wakefulness behind our thoughts with an eyeball. Not because sight is a singular metric of experience. But because I fucking like eyeballs.

Go the Fuck Outside

Who the Fuck Am I?

About Shawn Boland

Hello, my name is Shawn and my pronouns are “Fucker”, “Hey You” and “You Can’t Say That on Social Media!”

And I suppose that’s why we’re here. I didn’t build a website though just to be able to say fuck as much as I want. I mean, I do have a fondness for colorful expletives. But fuck it. I built a website so that we can be free of algorithms and huge money making platforms that use us as both product and consumer within the parameters that they dictate in order to maximize their ad revenue. Think about that. You are both the consumer and the product. WTF, right?

I mean, don’t get me wrong, it got us all to this point after all. It connects people and ideas, so it’s not all bad.

Poetry & Shit

Ok, here’s the deal. If you would like to have the option to see every single fucking thing I post each week as opposed to allowing an algorithm to determine whether you see it or not, it’s simple. Plug in your email and every Monday I’ll email you the Weekly WTF with links to every damn thing I’ve done and whatever I have to say about it and whatever extra shit I decide to put in it.